The Gauteng Strategic Transport Plan provides a long-term strategic planning framework for the integrated development of transport infrastructure and services in the Gauteng province.
The Gauteng MEC for Roads and Transport gives notice that the first draft of the Strategic Transport Plan (STP) for the Gauteng province, prepared in terms of section 7 of the Gauteng Transport Authority Act 2 of 2019, has been completed and is available for inspection, public review and comment at the regional offices and websites.
The STP for the Gauteng province has been prepared in line with the requirements of the Gauteng Transport Authority Act 2 of 2019, section 7.
The updated STP will provide a strategic plan to direct transport planning in Gauteng for a 15-year period.
The objectives of the Gauteng STP are to provide a long-term strategic planning framework for the integrated development of transport infrastructure and services in the Gauteng province.
When preparing a strategic transport plan, the Transport Authority for Gauteng must have regard to:
• The National Land Transport Strategic Framework contemplated in section 34 of the National Land Transport Act 2009
• The Provincial Land Transport Framework contemplated in section 35 of the National Land Transport Act 2009
• The Integrated Transport Plans of the relevant municipalities contemplated in section 36 of the National Land Transport Act 2009
• Demographic, economic, social, travel and transport trends in the province
• Existing, planned and projected land use developments
• Trends and requirements of persons travelling from outside the province into the province and vice versa, and the demand for such travel
• Any proposals received from the public transport authorities and operators
• Such other matters as may be prescribed by the MEC or as the Authority considers appropriate
The Transport Authority for Gauteng must further ensure that the strategic transport plan is consistent with relevant regional spatial development frameworks, prepared in accordance with part D of chapter 4 of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act 2013.
The draft Gauteng STP builds on existing literature resources and reflects inputs received from stakeholders as well as key role-players during the past six months.
The 30-day public review period of the draft Gauteng STP starts from Thursday, February 20 and ends on Monday, March 24. The public may submit written comments and inputs to the department for consideration by no later than March 24, 2025.
The public’s input and comments will be appreciated and are an essential part of the planning process. It will also be appreciated if the public could adhere to the due date for submission of comments to enable compliance with the applicable timelines, which may mean that comments received after that date will not be considered in time. Written comments may be in any official language.
Invitation to interested and affected parties to attend a virtual meeting
The Transport Authority for Gauteng (TAG) invites all interested and affected parties to participate in this public review process, by attending a virtual public meeting as follows:
Date: Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Time: 9:50am for 10am until 1pm
Platform: MS Teams
RSVP: Register to attend the meeting before/on March 6, 2025 by sending an email to the TAG’s Stakeholder Consultation Office at email: or
All interested and affected parties who register to attend the virtual meeting will receive a link to the meeting. Note that prospective meeting participants do not require MS Teams to access the meeting; however, they will need to join through a browser if they do not have MS Teams.
Locations where hard copies of the draft STP can be viewed:
The draft STP is available for inspection at the regional offices of the Roads and Transport department and all local municipalities in Gauteng (see list).
An executive summary of the draft STP is available in the following languages at the public places listed (see list) or on request from the STP Stakeholder Consultation Office (details below): English, isiZulu, Sepedi and Afrikaans.
Electronic copies of the draft STP and/or its executive summary may be obtained on request from the STP Stakeholder Consultation Office, by sending an email to the following contact person:
Antoinette Pietersen
Gauteng STP Project: Stakeholder consultation office co-ordinator,
Transport Authority for Gauteng
Postal Address:
PO Box 1266,
Physical Address:
44 Grand Central Boulevard Ext 1,
For the Gauteng STP Stakeholder Consultation Office, email: or
Website addresses for accessing electronic copies of the draft STP and/or executive summary: (under publications)
Deadline for submission of comments is March 24, 2025. Only written comments will be accepted.