Former MMC for Roads and Transport in Tshwane, Katlego Mathebe, launched the project of upgrading and expanding Lynnwood Road in October 2023. Picture: Facebook
The DA in Tshwane has echoed its concerns regarding the delayed construction of the widening Lynnwood Road project, spanning from January Masilela Drive to Simon Vermooten Road.
The DA spokesperson on Roads and Transport in Tshwane, Katlego Mathebe, highlighted the widening project is behind schedule, which could inconvenience and endanger road users’ lives.
The road project launched in October 2023 and was overseen by Mathebe, who served as the Roads and Transport MMC under the previous DA-led coalition.
The expansion of Lynnwood Road would enable a bus rapid transit (BRT) service to connect the metro to Mamelodi.
Mathebe chastised Tshwane municipality for delaying completion of the project, which had been scheduled from this year January to April 18.
Lynnwood Road, which is costing the city R124 million, was scheduled to be completed within 18 months.
“The department has also expressed that the extension of time and variation of scope were informed by the relocation of water distribution system pipeline, and the construction of a retaining wall that ought to be constructed as an embankment to prevent walls from collapsing.
“What is even more concerning is that the extension was granted due to the non-payment of the city for over 30 days to the contractor – this whilst the project is grant-funded,” said Mathebe.
The former MMC emphasised that when Tshwane was administered by the DA-coalition, the project had exceeded its target because of “our relentless commitment to enhance public transport and infrastructure”.
The Tshwane Roads and Transport Department reported in January 2024 that the project reached a 26% completion rate.
“Undoubtedly, the project was progressing well and had achieved key milestones including infrastructure upgrades, service duct installation, excavation, earth moving and drainage enhancements.
“At the time a great deal of work was still scheduled for culvert construction, kerbs and asphalt pavement installation, guardrails and signage placements, as well as electrical system upgrades,” said Mathebe.
Completion of the project would see the construction of two new 3.4 km × 3.5 m wide median BRT lanes, one in each direction on Lynnwood Road.
In addition, new non-motorised transport pedestrian sidewalks and cycle paths are being built, covering the stretch between January Masilela Drive and Simon Vermooten Road.
The project also involves the landscaping of median islands and adjoining road reserves.
“The project has the potential to connect more people to work opportunities as well as efficient use of public transport,” said Mathebe.
She noted the DA will apply pressure on the ActionSA-led tripartite-administration to complete the project in time and within the provided budget.
“Tshwane must deliver a reliable and efficient public transport infrastructure to residents,” said Mathebe.
The Star