Peter Donald, Wynberg
I am a chocolate Lab; my name is Jackson Brown
I have a brother, Charlie, but he’s a total clown
And nearly every day, come thunder rain or hail
Our owner lets us out the car to walk the Alphen Trail.
We meet all sorts of other dogs, and now and then of course
We come across a scary one (I’m told it’s called a horse)
And if I bark, it stamps its hoof and flicks its long, black tail,
I tell you, things get scary out on the Alphen Trail.
But Charlie’s nowhere near me; he’s now in hunting mood
A kiddie’s party’s happening, and that means there’ll be food;
Cupcakes, buns and Chuckles; he’s found his holy grail
For a chocolate Lab, it’s not all bad upon the Alphen Trail.
And here come all our friends; a beagle who’s called Molly,
A Vizsla known as Enzo, and Sam the Border collie,
A Maltese who’s called Peanut, a Peke called Abigail
So bottom sniffing’s all the rage upon the Alphen Trail.
Here’s Bailey, who’s a boxer, and Sam, a Lab, but blond
And Cassie, who’s a ridgeback of whom I’m awfully fond
Oops – here come’s Bulldog Bruno – he’s quite the alpha male
(Hurry, Dad, it’s maybe time to quit the Alphen Trail)
Hi Olli (pavement special) Hi Jack (a corgi) and
I think that might be Jensen, another “no name brand“
Hi all you noisy hadedas who take off quick and flail
Your bony, feathered wings at me above the Alphen Trail.
The stream is great to swim in, the foliage lush and green
The puddles in the car park the best I’ve ever seen
So I’ll be back tomorrow with Charlie without fail,
To meet our mates, and strut our stuff upon the Alphen Trail.
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