Siyanda Donda. | Facebook
Siyanda Donda, 23, tried three times to get the desired matric results to pursue a career in law.
In 2018, Donda achieved a diploma pass from Lambothi Secondary School. This was not enough for him to pursue law. In 2020, he attained a bachelor pass at Amatigulu High School but his marks were poor. Then in 2023, he started in Grade 11 at Somshoko Secondary School and went on to matric where he bagged five distinctions for Mathematics Literacy, Life Sciences, English First Additional Language, IsiZulu Home Language and Life Orientation.
Issues like finances (he could not afford a calculator or stationery) and the environment contributed to him changing schools.
At home in Dokodweni in northern KwaZulu-Natal, Donda lives with his mother and extended family, including his uncles and aunts who chipped in with the little they had.
Donda, who comes from a humble background, said the first school required him to travel therefore he could not afford to go to school daily and he had uniform problems. The second school was in a rural area, the living conditions were poor and he had duties to fulfil at home. The last school was far from home and he had to pay rent but he needed to focus on his school work.
He also said he tried matric several times because mentally he was able but socially he was not.
“The last try I had saved up and I had to at least get in,” he said.
“Before, I was young mentally. I realised I had to get rid of distractions and have mental strength. It was the only way I could change the situation at home.
“I need to make my mother happy before she dies.”
Donda’s struggles and persistence paid off in the end. He is part of the matric class of 2024.
“I’m very happy. Now I can change the situation at home,” Donda said.
He said his mother is as happy as he is.
“She said she’s at a loss for words,” Donda said after his mother learned about his five distinctions.
Donda who loves the pursuit of justice, wants to become a lawyer, his lifelong dream.
“I love justice, it’s always been my passion ever since I was young.”
Donda applied to the University of Johannesburg and was accepted with an orange carpet (special benefits).
Donda has been working at Gings Garage (Shell) in Gingindlovu, northern KZN, since 2021. In 2022 he was made a permanent employee but in 2023 he asked to resign so he can return to school. Instead, his employer offered him a temporary position.
A thankful Donda said his employer has been supportive. While schooling, he helped him financially.
Gings Garage owner Nishkar Maharaj said that when he interviewed Donda, he saw he was a capable person.
Maharaj said Donda approached him about going back to school and he found it admirable that he wanted to improve himself and return to Grade 11.
Maharaj asked Donda about how this would impact his finances, his family and income, and Donda said he would bite the bullet. In response, Maharaj kept the door open for Donda so he could earn during the holidays. He would also meet Donda and give him groceries and tried to be supportive.
“I don’t know what it is about him. There’s just something that caught my attention. He would persevere and want to better himself,” Maharaj said.
“I can see struggle but he is determined and motivated.”
He said he helps other staff too.
Maharaj started a BackaBuddy campaign to raise money for Donda’s higher education. He set a goal of R250 000 believing it would at least help Donda through 90% of his academic journey.
He said he has also appealed to people in the corporate world for help.
“I’m looking at every avenue so not to deter his goals,” Maharaj added.
He said Donda considered a gap year and asked him about it but he said “push on, don’t worry about work and finances”.
Maharaj added that Donda got 78% and 79% in two other subjects and encouraged him to get them remarked.
“It could become seven As,” Maharaj said excitedly.