The recipients of the Civic Honours awards, which were held at the Good Hope Sub-council Chambers on Monday.
Liz Huckle received her awardfrom ward councillor RobertoQuintas for years of service to the community of Hout Bayin the field of infant, elderly,home-based and specialneeds care for the most vulnerable.
Ward councillor Roberto Quintas hands a certificate ofappreciation to NazleySadan for her work in the Hout Bay community during theCovid-19 pandemic.
David Beckett was awarded for his ongoing and long running beach clean-up project.
Danielle Klaff received an award for her efforts in mobilising food security duringthe pandemic and for her One Home One Garden Food Sustainability Project, which isalready yielding results in the ward.
On Monday November 16, the City of Cape Town awarded Civic Honours at the Good Hope Sub-council chambers to residents and officials working hard at making Hout Bay a happier, healthier and cleaner place to live.