Mayoral committee member for water and sanitation Zahid Badroodien, ward councillor Roberto Quintas and a municipal worker observe the trenchless pipe-cracking technology being used for the City’s water pipe replacement project.
Hout Bay’s water woes continue with more pipe bursts this week and last weekend.
Although water has been restored to the area, there were pipe bursts reported on Saturday April 13 and Tuesday April 16.
In a statement on Saturday, the City said water and sanitation maintenance teams had been deployed for six straight days in Hout Bay to deal with water outages, particularly in Penzance Estate, Berg en Dal, Scott Estate, Baviaanskloof, Hanging Meadows and surrounds, and Llandudno.
“While critical pipe replacement is under way on water infrastructure, frequent pipe bursts caused by the water-pressure system and aged water-supply infrastructure have resulted in residents experiencing recurring water supply disruptions. The City sincerely regrets the inconvenience caused to residents and businesses,” said the statement.
The City is busy with the second phase of a R7 million project to replace 3.3km of water pipes in Hout Bay (“City replacing ageing water pipes,” March 22).
The various water-supply disruptions had been resolved over the course of the six days and the one on Saturday had been resolved by the evening, said mayoral committee member for water and sanitation Zahid Badroodien.
“The City’s water maintenance teams are dispatched as soon as they are informed of a water-supply disruption to investigate the matter and resolve it in the shortest possible time,“ he said.
On Tuesday April 16, another burst pipe was reported in Karbonkel Street, Hangberg, but it was repaired on the same day.
“Repair work also continued long past working hours and was prioritised due to the large number of households affected,” said Dr Badroodien.
Hangberg residents Roscoe Jacob and Chad Crow confirmed that water had been restored to the area.