The Hout Bay Neighbourhood Watch beach patrol team is looking to add to its numbers this year.
The Hout Bay Neighbourhood Watch is calling on residents to support its annual project to keep crime off the beaches this summer.
The Annual Beach Safety Project has been going since 2008, and volunteer patrollers are asked to sign up on a duty roster.
The project will run over December and January, from 8am to 6pm, with each patrol slot lasting two hours, according to Meátre King, from the watch.
“We rely on our regular loyal beach patrollers and encourage all members to join in the fun and sign up,” she said.
Hout Bay Community Police Forum chairman Anthony Chemaly said the beach project had been a “critical crime prevention programme” over the years.
“The project ensures the safety of all visitors to the beach over the festive season. It’s a wonderful opportunity for residents to get some exercise and add eyes and ears to the area for crime prevention,” he said.
The project had been a “direct contributor” to the very low crime statistics on the beach for many years, he added.
“We encourage all HBNW members and residents to participate and join up to help keep our beaches safe,” Mr Chemaly said.
Adam Cotton has been visiting the beach every year with his family, making an annual family day out of it. The patrollers are one the reasons he chooses Hout Bay Beach.
“Safe and friendly is how you sum them up. I always engage with the patrollers, and I feel it's an important project for this season,” he said.
Mr Cotton suggested that the City of Cape Town consider formalising the project.
“We need to make this a thing because it’s comforting seeing people from your community patrolling the beaches, familiar faces as opposed to people who are just there to do their jobs,” Mr Cotton said.
If you want to volunteer, email with your preferred dates and times, and the roster will be sent to you.