HIGH-BO: Police found a ton of dagga the facility
INVESTIGATIONS into the murder of a Parkwood gang boss has led to the discovery of a drug storage facility, allegedly run by his rivals.
According to a Daily Voice source the death of Timothy “Tamatie’’ Japhta has opened up a can of worms as eagle-eyed cops have kept a close watch on the activities of the Six Bobs gang.
Tamatie, the alleged leader of the Americans gang, was shot more than 20 times outside his home in Willow Road after coming under attack by two gunmen while sitting in his car.
According to a source, cops zoned in on three members of the Six Bobs gang amid claims that they were behind Tamatie’s death.
The insider says: “They went looking for three manne and followed them all over Hanover Park. They were traced to a guest house in Wynberg where they met with vroumense.
“They went to a storage facility and were observed carrying a box away to Lugano Court and that is when the officers realised something strange.”
The source says officers descended on the council flat where they discovered one of the three men in possession of a rifle, but oddly the owner of the storage called saying something was stolen from his unit.
The source reports: “The owner sommer called and said his unit was broken into but refused to open a case.
“He claimed to have a firearm in the unit and something was strange, so officers went back to the storage unit and that is when they uncovered a stash of drugs.
“There was 1000kg of dagga, cocaine, tik and other drugs. They were even making fake alcohol and had their own printing machines.
“The officers found out that the rifle stolen from the storage unit was stolen from Rondebosch East and realised that this was why the owner did not want to open a case.”
Police spokesperson Sergeant Wesley Twigg confirmed the arrest and says Maitland Flying Squad and Metro Police arrested three suspects, aged between 42 and 53, after they found a rifle at a premises in Lugano Court, Hanover Park on Sunday evening.
Twigg says: “The members searched the premises following information they received of a firearm that was at the premises.
“The suspects will appear in the Athlone Magistrates Court for possession of an unlicensed firearm once they have been charged.”
Twigg says the officers then followed up information about drugs and alcohol that are kept at a storage facility in Philippi.
He adds: “The members searched the premises after it was opened for them. Dagga weighing approximately one ton and counterfeit alcohol and a rifle were discovered.
“An enquiry into the discovery was opened and no arrests were made. The circumstances surrounding the discovery are under investigation and the possibility of arrests are not ruled out. The investigation into the matter continues.”
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