The Manenberg Community Development Trust (MCDT) celebrated matriculants from six schools at a ceremony on Saturday.
Matric top achievers from schools in Manenberg, Heideveld and Surrey Estate were celebrated on Saturday with much funfair.
Organised by the Manenberg Community Development Trust (MCDT), the top three from each of the six schools were driven through the areas on a topless bus before gathering at Phoenix High School’s hall for a formal ceremony.
In the past, this event was held under the auspices of the Manenberg Community Police Forum, and as such, the schools that form part of this initiative, all fall within the Manenberg SAPS precinct.
Top achievers from Darul Islam Islamic High, Manenberg High, Phoenix High, Cathkin High, Heideveld High and The Leadership College (TLC) were honoured at the celebration.
Kader Jacobs, the MCDT team leader said the matriculants had done exceptionally well “despite some serious challenges they faced during the year and when writing their final examination”.
“Manenberg is known for its violent crime. The gang infested area and the drug trade affects everyone in the precinct - either directly or indirectly. The community struggles with high youth unemployment and school dropouts who, at times, migrate to a life of gangsterism. Most learners face the dangers of just walking to school when crossing rival gang territory. Some learners also leave home without having had a decent meal or electricity the previous night to complete their homework. This is the environment in which our learners find themselves in, having to complete their matric,” Mr Jacobs said.
The 18 matriculants all received a computer tablet and a personalised mug, among other gifts.
UCT associate professor of criminology, Irvin Kinnes, who is a former Manenberg resident, was among the speakers at the event. He thanked the teachers and principals, saying: “Your work in Manenberg and Heideveld is so much more challenging.”
Speaking to the matriculants, he added: “An event like this, where you are celebrated is important, because other pupils will learn from your example. When I matriculated in 1983, there was no such celebration. You have set your goal to pass matric and you have achieved that. Now to set the next goal. We are not victims. We have to rise above it. A lot depends on your will.”
Phoenix High School matriculant Zaghrah Swartz said she and her peers could only achieve this milestone because of a three-pronged approach.
“We have indeed reached a milestone. Many did not. This was only due to a three-pronged team effort - the hard work, dedication, countless hours of selfless sacrifices of our teachers, management and staff of our respective schools, along with our efforts, our willingness to give it all, and not forgetting the love and support from our parents. We have faced many challenges - like random shootings, stone throwing, no electricity in the house and no privacy or even something to eat in our homes. Lack of basic things such as water and sanitation - things that we sometimes take for granted,” she said.
She encouraged the current matrics not to give up, even when it felt too difficult.
“We have the potential to rise out of our slump, negative thoughts and comfort zones. There will be times when things get tough and you might feel like you want to throw in the towel and give up, but, to quote Nelson Mandela, ‘It always seems impossible until it is done.’
“Your circumstances do not define you. It all comes down to the choices you make. You can do it with faith, focus and being fearless.”
Cathkin High matriculant Brian Jombe said: “It was my home circumstances that motivated me to push through hardships and achieve academic success. Growing up in a poor home with many siblings, I know what it means to struggle. It was a fight for my parents to make ends meet and put food on the table. It was not easy. As I look back I realised that my challenges were not obstacles to be feared, but opportunities to be seized.”