eThekwini Municipality manager Musa Mbhele. I Supplied
The eThekwini Municipality will expand on the benefits to the municipal coffers and promotion of the city when it discusses a proposed R5 million sponsorship at a full council meeting on Thursday for the 114th lnvestec SA Open Golf Championship to be held at the Durban Country Club in March.
The eThekwini Executive Committee briefly discussed the co-sponsor of the event and participation on four elements of the programme on Tuesday.
The four programmes are the official host city status; the subsequent golf business and lifestyle convention; the Sunshine Tour Golf Tournament, and the Swing Through Africa Magazine TV Series filming in the region.
The total sponsorship rights package is R5 million, for sustained Durban coverage over a 5-month period, reaching more than 1.25 billion viewers.
The municipality seeks approval from the full council meeting for the eThekwini Municipality to attend, partner, and exhibit at “YARE” ltaly’s super-yacht event in March as an extension of the business and lifestyle convention legacy engagements.
eThekwini city manager Musa Mbhele said there are immediate trade and investment opportunities in the super-yachting and marina industry which dovetail with the Pro Golf tours, plus eThekwini’s own inner-city regeneration efforts from the Durban Country Club site to the Yacht Marinas, and a potential Private Jet Terminal at King Shaka International Airport.
eThekwini’s investment budget for this international showcase is costed at R2 million.
Mbhele said the Golf Business and Lifestyle Convention will run concurrently with the Open Championship in March, while the subsequent Sunshine Tour Golf Tournament is scheduled for May.
“This Sunshine Tour event, potentially hosted in partnership with eThekwini, will feature 156 local professional golfers competing for a share of the R2 million prize fund. This tournament will run concurrently with Africa’s Travel lndaba, helping to further elevate the status of next year’s largest tourism industry event in Durban at the lCC,” Mbhele said.
According to Mbhele, the fourth opportunity, ‘Swing Through Africa’ is a captivating golf travel, lifestyle, and leisure TV series to be filmed in part in Durban, which takes high living standards measure (LSM) category viewers on an enchanting journey through the picturesque golf courses of Durban, across KZN, and South Africa.
“Each episode showcases a different golf course, exploring the beauty of the surrounding province and highlighting local entertainment, culture, attractions, plus business opportunities. Discussions are well under way with the event owners and organisers about securing all or most of the events for a minimum of the next three years, as part of the added value to Durban by business, and the eThekwini Metro,” Mbhele said.
The collaborative effort is between the eThekwini city manager’s office, lnvestec Durban, Parks Recreation Culture Unit, Business Support, Markets, Tourism and Agri Unit, and the Durban Film Office in Economic Development Unit.
The requested amount to participate in the various elements from all spheres of government is R10 million, with eThekwini positioned to take the lead as host city with R5 million.
Mbhele said the event organizers and the eThekwini Executive are in discussions with National and Provincial Departments on the remaining R5 million that is sought by the Sunshine Tour Team.
“Of their total budget at R61 million, they have committed to target 40% local Business spend and are willing to partner with eThekwini Business Support Department to gain assistance with implementation thereof,” Mbhele said.