Bonteheuwel locals patrolling smash-and-grab hot spot areas in Langa.
The latest crime data showed more than 20 000 cases of theft out of or from motor vehicles cases were reported in the country during second quarter of the 2024/2025 period.
That works out to just over 200 incidents per day, between July and September 2024.
This can include “smash-and-grabs” where a suspect breaks a car’s window to quickly steal loose valuables such as a wallet, cellphone, or handbag.
One of Cape Town’s hot spots is believed to be in Langa, at Langa's three main intersections.
Said Ward 50 councillor, Angus McKenzie: “Let me from the outset say, loudly and clearly, this crime has absolutely nothing to do with Bonteheuwel and is predominantly a problem out of Langa.”
He added “there is very little that can be done by us in Bonteheuwel”, despite their ongoing efforts.
“This includes deploying our Community Ambassadors away from Bonteheuwel hot spots to cover Langa, including ongoing static deployment by Law Enforcement, Metro police and SAPS,” he said.
“On that, the reality is we will never get permanent deployment. They (SAPS) just don't have the resources. And when police and ambassadors patrol one section the grabbers just move to the next open area – cat and mouse.”
In all recent smash-and-grab incidents cellphones and handbags were stolen, leaving Mr McKenzie to ask: “If you know the high-risk area it is, why then do you still have valuables in full view of criminals?”
Earlier this year, Justine Jacobs from Pinelands, had just dropped off one of her workers in Langa, drove off and at the next intersection, she heard a crash and everything went blank.
“They broke the passenger side, but I just froze. I did not even think about driving off because it caught me so off guard,” Ms Jacobs said.
“I wasn’t even bothered at the time with what was missing. I think I ran my hands up and down my body thinking I had been shot or something.”
Ms Jacobs said apart from having her bag and phone stolen, she still suffers from the trauma months on.
“I get freaked out when I have to stop at a light or stop street – it’s like my anxiety just starts picking up. I even had to stop driving for a short while,” she said.
Bishop Lavis police station spokesperson, Sergeant Samantha Adonis, confirmed that the area in question fell under their jurisdiction.
However, Sergeant Adonis failed to respond to further questions at the time of going of publishing.