Woodside Special Care Centre is home to 80 intellectually and physically disabled residents.
Woodside Special Care Centre is making a public appeal for support for a Santa Shoebox initiative in aid of the home’s intellectually and physically disabled residents during the festive season.
“We have a large number of residents who don't have families, and it becomes our responsibility to take the role of family,” said the Rondebosch East home’s fund-raising manage Zelda Davis.
The home is looking for toiletries as well as “some nice smelling goodies and pretty hair accessories for the girls and nice smelling creams and aftershave for boys and men”, she said.
“Optional extras such as sweaters, shirts, socks and dresses are also welcome.”
Those supporting the initiative should indicate on the Santa Shoebox the age and sex of the recipient it will be suitable for. The boxes can be dropped off at the home, at 29 Lawson Street, Rondebosch East, by Sunday December 8 when Woodside will hold a 3pm Christmas carol service at which the gifts will be handed out to the residents.
The UCT Choir will perform at the carol service and all are welcome to attend. Call Ms Davis at 082 419 8398 or email for more information.