The executive committee members of the newly formed United Community Forum, in Pelican Park. Picture: Supplied
Councillors, ward committees and sub-council managers who don't do their jobs are in the crosshairs of a new organisation that has taken root in Pelican Park.
The United Community Forum claims to be unaffiliated to any political party and says it wants to unite communities to ensure local government is democratic, participatory and accountable.
The UCF is registering as a non-profit organisation and held its first annual general meeting in September, according to executive committee member Peter Martin, who is also the chairperson of Steenberg Community Forum (SCF).
"The UCF emanated from a community dialogue initiated by the Steenberg Community Forum in June 2023. The purpose of the community dialogue was to create a platform for community organisations and members to set their own public agenda and to determine a way forward to effect community change," he said.
The dialogue, he said, had resolved that for change to happen communities needed to be "informed, educated and empowered" and unite around a common objective.
Sub-council, he said, should involve communities in important matters that affected them, especially decisions about public finances.
"When these constitutional objectives are realised, communities will be able to articulate their real needs and at the same time hold elected and appointed public officials accountable,” said Mr Martin.
The Promotion of Access to Information Act, the public protector, the Human Rights Commission and the courts were among the mechanisms the public could use to exercise their rights, he said.
He warned that the UCF, under Section 78 of the Municipal Structures Act, would seek to dissolve ward councils that failed to fulfill their roles and functions. The UCF would also seek the removal of sub-council managers who failed in their duties and councillors who did not work with the broader community, he said.
“Currently we are planning a workshop to review the rules for the election and establishment of ward committees, their role and functions and code of conduct,” said Mr Martin.
The UCF's chairperson is Princess Vlei Civic Association secretary Craig Cerff, and Pelican Park Residents’ and Ratepayers’ Association chairperson Ishmael Davids is the deputy chairperson. Other execo members are People for the People chairperson Tasneem Adams, Heathfield Tennis Club and Open Stance Tennis Academy chairperson Shaun Ludwig and Hillview Residents’ Association chairperson Bushy Naicker.
Other organisations affiliated to the UCF are the Lotus River, Ottery, Grassy Park Residents’ Association (Logra), Cafda Community Forum, Pelican Park Heights Civic Association and Pelican Park Traders’ Association.
For more information about the UCF, contact Craig Cerff at 061 019 6639.