Llandudno Primary School principal Alexander Molteno and Sentinel Primary School vice principal Debbie Schröder are lacing up their running shoes for the Chapman's Peak Half Marathon.
Sentinel Primary School vice principal Debbie Schröder and Llandudno Primary School principal Alexander Molteno will tackle the annual Chapman's Peak 21.1km Half Marathon in aid of needy pupils.
The marathon starts at Hout Bay Beach on Sunday September 22 at 6am and ends at Kronendal Primary School.
“We decided to run together as a way to raise awareness for the importance of education in our community. Beyond that, I'm also using this opportunity to raise funds for the soon-to-be established Kunye Trust, which will provide financial assistance to disadvantaged learners at Llandudno Primary School. The Chapman's Peak Half Marathon itself supports several local charities, so it's a great way to give back in multiple ways,“ Mr Molteno said.
Ms Schröder said: “A school like ours needs sponsors. With the massive teacher cuts in the Western Cape, we’ve lost two teaching posts so I also plan to run the Cape Town marathon in October to raise funds for teacher posts, which is a crisis currently for us. We cannot afford to lose two teaching posts and sit with 80 learners in a class.”
Ms Schröder is an avid runner, but this will be Mr Molteno’s first half marathon.
“While I don't compete often, I've been training hard for this event and am excited to take on the challenge. I'm really looking forward to finishing the race and knowing that I've contributed to a good cause, making my school and sponsors proud. The biggest challenge I anticipate is the climb back up from Noordhoek to the highest point on Chapman's Peak Drive, which is about halfway through the race.”
For more information or to make a contribution, contact Mr Molteno at 021 790 2010 or community@llandudnoprimary.co.za.