The City has vowed to clean up this dumping hot spot on municipal land next to Silikamva High School. Picture: Keanan Harmse.
The City says it will bring in a big team of workers to clear litter from an illegal dump in Imizamo Yethu.
The dumping hot spot has been growing on municipal land a few metres from the Silikamva High School parking lot (’Illegal IY dump growing on City land,’ Sentinel, May 24).
“The level of dumping at the site is too intensive for contracted cleansing staff from the standard informal settlements cleansing programme to keep pace with while still cleaning the rest of the settlement.
“Furthermore, the topography of the area where dumping is happening is not conducive to mechanical cleaning. As such, the City is making a special arrangement for a once-off manual clean-up of the site using a big team of workers. This should occur before the end of the financial year, which will be on Monday July 1 this year,“ the City said in a statement.
Siyazama Pre School principal Funisele Cele told the Sentinel that the problem was dire and the City should intervene sooner.
“I wish they could come sooner. The place reeks and its starting to smell. Why start cleaning on the 1st of July? Why not on the 1st of June? I also want the City officials to be there on the scene to ensure the area is properly cleaned and that the workers are doing their job correctly,” she said.
The City urges the community to make use of the services provided to dispose of their waste.
“Each household is issued with high-quality refuse bags for containing waste, and full bags are collected door-to-door,” the City said.
IY community activist Nicholas Ndaba was unable to provide a response by time of publication.
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