The City is advising the public to comply with guidelines around the use of generators. File picture: Henk Kruger/African News Agency.
With no end in sight to load shedding as winter approaches, the City is advising the public to comply with guidelines around the use of generators, after almost 200 generator noise complaints were recorded over the past year.
From February last year to February this year, the City's health department received 197 generator noise complaints, compared to 60 complaints during the previous 12 months, the City said in a statement.
“The sharp rise in complaints tracks with the sustained load shedding we have experienced, resulting in more residents and businesses turning to alternatives to mitigate the impact of power cuts. Apart from ensuring that they are installed and operating correctly, generators can be quite loud when in operation, and also be the source of emissions or odours,” said mayoral committee member for community services and health Patricia van der Ross.
“While our noise control staff are mandated to investigate complaints and implement the necessary corrective measures, we also want to increase awareness and education among the general public, and help develop an environment that takes cognisance of everyone’s rights.”
The City is advising the public to consider alternative energy solutions, such as solar panels, inverters and battery storage.
More information on the installation of generators and compliance can be found at Noise complaints can be logged at or 0860 103 089 or through the City’s e-services portal.
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