From left, mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis, Ward 4 councillor Anthony Benadie, Angela Chandler from Milnerton Central Neighbourhood Watch, Anette Richards and Craig Alexander from Summer Greens Neighbourhood Watch and mayoral committee member for safety and security JP Smith.
Neighbourhood watch members from the greater Milnerton area who were nominated for City awards say the recognition came as a surprise but was very welcome.
The Summer Greens, Milnerton Central and Phoenix neighbourhood watches were represented at the City’s annual neighbourhood awards, at the Civic Centre, on Saturday November 12, after being nominated in various categories.
While they didn’t take home an award, Craig Alexander, from the Summer Greens Neighbourhood Watch - which was nominated for the “neighbourhood watch of the year” award - said it was a great feeling to be recognised by those they worked with.
“We believe that nominations were submitted by the ward councillor, Mr Anthony Benadie; the Summer Greens Ratepayers’ Association; the Milnerton CPF with the endorsement of the Milnerton SAPS station commander Brigadier Vosloo; and by local residents,” said Mr Alexander.
The chairwoman of the Milnerton Central Neighbourhood Watch, Angela Chandler, was nominated for the “motivator of the year” award for exceptional efforts to mobilise communities in support of safety.
Ms Chandler said so much of what they did was done off-stage and to be recognised by the City for those efforts was humbling.
“I was very moved by both (mayoral committee member for safety and security) JP Smith’s and mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis’s acknowledgement of the importance of neighbourhood watches and the gratitude they both expressed for the role neighbourhood watches play in community safety,” she said.
Mr Benadie congratulated the watches, saying: “I want to express my sincere thanks and appreciation for the tireless and selfless work they do. We are all aware of the resource challenges facing SAPS, and while the city is doing everything it can to supplement the Law Enforcement, Metro Police and traffic services, it cannot be done alone.”
He residents to join neighbourhood watches to keep their communities safe.