Volunteers Loyiso Skoti, left, and Mido Ndzakayi cleaning up the streets of Imizamo Yethu.
Imizamo Yethu residents decided to rid their streets of litter on Mandela Day.
Garbage bags and gloves were handed out as volunteers and community leaders met on Monday morning July 18 to spend their 67 minutes together, cleaning up the neighbourhood.
Community leader Yethu Loyiso Skoti said, "Let's beautify our communities; we can't wait for the City or government. We have to make our own community look nice so that other people can see the difference we are making, then they can come and add value."
Beauty Mboma, a member of the Imizamo Yethu ANC branch, said the clean-up should not only be for 67 minutes.
“We must show we are proud of this community. Let's keep our community safe. The dirt is not healthy for our children and for our health as well. We need to encourage each other, to clean our streets... every weekend we should do this"
Member of the provincial legislature Khalid Sayed also joined the clean-up. “We know that pollution and littering is a major problem in this particular area,” he said. “We thought let us do a 67-minute clean-up, but more to encourage, so people can see what we are doing. It doesn't cost a lot of money to do this, so let' do it.”