Ward councillor Roberto Quintas
Hout Bay’s ward councillor has outlined the plans for Ward 74 and it appears some big projects are on the cards this year.
Roberto Quintas, whose ward covers Llandudno, Hout Bay, Hangberg and Imizamo Yethu, said this year, there were many “new and exciting as well as long-awaited projects” in the pipeline.
“We as a community, city and globe are busy finding our feet in a ’new normal’ Covid-19 world and service delivery remains a priority as well as projects that bring hope, unity and integration,” he said.
Heading into the final year of his term , Mr Quintas said the ward allocation would fund upgrades to the Hout Bay Common.
In April last year, Mr Quintas shared plans on further improving the parks once the Covid-19 wave had passed.
The project started during Mr Quintas’ first term as ward councillor, with the establishment of the Andrews Road Park, which has since evolved into an outdoor gym and off-leash dog park.
Now there are plans for upgraded picnic areas, with tables placed under the shaded trees, fenced off to help parents manage their toddlers from running into traffic. The paths will also be upgraded and swing gates added to the pedestrian crossing.
“I am also excited about the design that is being approved for a bandstand which allow our budding music academies, dance and other groups to utilise the space for concerts and performances,” he said.
Mr Quintas will also be looking to extend the river boadwalk as well as introducing “hard wearing natural infrastructure”, creating picnic and leisure areas along the river and vlei.
“This is vital to ensure that we see more people relishing in this biodiversity heritage zone on our doorstep and foster outdoor activity for families and groups,” Mr Quintas said.
A Law Enforcement officer has also been tasked with keeping a close eye on all problem traffic areas in Ward 74, including skateboarding infringements.
The ward allocation budget will allow for the extension of the Hout Bay Festive Lights Project, with the view to extending the project from Princess Circle to Harbour Circle.
Moving onto one of the bigger projects, the Hout Bay Sports Complex could soon have an informal play area.
“This component of the family park was unfortunately postponed due to Day Zero and drought mitigation, however, we have secured the budget again and will proceed with that imminently,” Mr Quintas said.
The project will include the establishment of two multi-purpose courts, to be used for netball, basketball and volleyball, among others. They also plan to include a climbing wall and informal gymnastics equipment as well as upgrade the parking area. The grass at the Hout Bay Sports Complex will also be rehabilitated and be used for several sporting activities including soccer, rugby, hockey and cricket.
The City will also be looking to work closely with the Imizamo Yethu community to establish retention ponds, with the aim of catching and treating grey water, pollutants and solid waste. They will also be looking at developing relations with local businesses to install and manage litter nets at the storm water outflows.
The roads in Imizamo Yethu also made the list of priorities and there are plans to resurface and repair roads in the community.
Roads in Hangberg and the Valley will also have their roads repaired and markings touched-up.
Most importantly for Mr Quintas is continuing the roll-out of the installation of electricity meters in Hangberg and Imizamo Yethu.
“Not only does this essential service provide dignity to our people, but importantly and mitigates the threat of fires,” he said.
And the City, he said, would continue engaging communities and their leadership around the informal housing projects and formal housing developments for both Imizamo Yethu and Hangberg.
“I will continue to drive the transfer of multiple rental stock units to their long term tenants, making them first time home owners with title deeds,” he said.
Mr Quintas extended his heartfelt sympathies to those in the ward who had lost loved ones in 2020.
“I would like to thank the residents of Ward 74 for their support over the past near five years and for their patience and understanding particularly during this festive period where the City of Cape Town has had to deliver services during the pandemic despite repeated Covid-related depot closures, and the untimely loss of many of our staff due to the corona virus,” he said.