How much would you spend to have glowing skin?
Image: Pexels
How much are you spending on skincare products? Are you a La Mer lady or more of a “Vaseline will do” kinda girly?
A conversation on X had people talking on Wednesday morning, with one women revealing they spent R8,000 on their toiletries monthly.
X user Shwebeshxt was one of those who were dismayed by the sum, expressing boldly, “You guys are not spending R8k on toiletries/skin care. You are lying.”
While she might think that some people are lying about how much they spend on products, it is in fact possible for someone to spend that kind of money to take care of their skin.
I reckon it’s all about what you can afford or are willing to cough up for glowing skin.
Let’s take the famous La Mer moisturiser for example. A 100ml tub of moisturiser will set you back an eye-watering R11,000. Yep, that’s right!
For that price, one can only hope that it will give you baby-soft skin.
This is just one example of ridiculously priced skincare products that promise enteral youthful skin.
On the other end of the scale, many women firmly believe in your everyday Vaseline which they can use from head to toe.
A big jar of Vaseline will only cost you about R55 for a big jar. And we all know that Vaseline goes a long way.
While some women simply use soap and moisturiser, there are others who do the entire skincare routine.
This will include, a cleanser, toner, serum, eye cream, moisturiser and sunscreen - not to mention the occasional face mask.
To answer the X user’s question, it is indeed possible to spend R8000 on skincare products, but it certainly isn’t the norm.
Here is what other X users had to say on the matter.
@PearlMndebele responded: Maybe around R2K but definitely not 8K.
@OnePablo20 responded: "Skin care routines are expensive. I spend about R3k just for my face every month, and when my products are finished, that amount can go up to between R6-8k for that month. I don't even buy pads and other stuff women need. So it is possible to pay quite a bit there. Especially if you do your face around Sandton."
"I have seen someone spend R12K on her skin care, it was shocking, what's even more shocking is that I developed a very intense urge for cuteness aggression, I wanted to squeeze and bite her skin because it was glowing, soft and smelling like heaven," wrote @King_Vegeta_IV
How much do you spend on toiletries every month?
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