This restaurant in Lagoon Drive closed down recently and patrons were devasted. So too were the patrons of two other restaurants that bear the same name which are still very much alive and well.
Image: Julio's Instagram
Durban has lost one of its culinary gems as Julio’s, the well-loved Portuguese restaurant located at Lagoon Drive Umhlanga Plaza. But - this Julio's is not part of the famous two restaurants owned by Julio Duarte, who has been inundated with calls of condolences.
"My restaurants are still very much alive and well," said Duarte.
While many thought The Lagoon Drive restaurant, bearing the same name, which recently closed its doors, was linked to the famous Julio restaurants on the Ridge at the Umhlanga Ski Boat Club and the Julio's Casa at Kensington Square, Duarte, who has been inundated with messages from devastated patrons, said it is not.
His two restaurants are still alive and well, run by him. Duarte did once own the now-closed Julio's in Lagoon Drive, but hasn't done so for eight years.
Duarte was inundated with messages of condolences and sad farewells when the story first appeared. He said he had nothing to do at all with the now-closed restaurant barring the name. "Countless patrons thought it was my restaurants that closed, but my two restaurants remain very much open."
In a heartfelt social media announcement, the Lagoon Drive restaurant team expressed their gratitude and sadness at the closing down and their loyal patrons also expressed their sadness of losing a gem.