Hilda Boonzaaier, chairperson of the Tygerberg branch of the South African Society of Music Teachers (SASMT).
The Hubert van der Spuy National Music Competition will run from Monday September 25 to Friday September 29 at the Hugo Lambrechts Music Centre in Parow.
The competition offers an opportunity for children aged 13 years and younger to compete against their peers from all across the country.
Several previous winners of the competition have not only gone on to study music at tertiary level, but have also in turn become critically acclaimed performers and educators themselves. On occasion, others have returned to the competition as esteemed members of the jury panel.
The Hubert van der Spuy National Music Competition is organised and presented by the Tygerberg branch of the South African Society of Music Teachers (SASMT) and was inspired by the SASMT’s Professor Hubert van der Spuy. The first competition took place in 1989.
“We are utterly thrilled with the number and quality of entries received for this year’s competition. The audition panel found it quite challenging to elect 48 participants only as the standard of playing was so high,” says Hilda Boonzaaier, chairperson of the Tygerberg branch of the SASMT.
Twenty-one musicians from the Western Cape are taking part.
The adjudicators for 2023 are Danré Strydom, Bennie van Eeden and Samantha Durrant.
The competition final will be live streamed on Friday September 29 at 6pm, at https://m.youtube.com/c/HubertvanderSpuyNationalMusicCompetition
To attend in person, tickets will be available from Monday September 11, at R50 each. Email tygerbergbranch@gmail.com or contact Merinda on 076 191 0076 after 6pm to book.