The Gingerbread Kama Sutra
The Gingerbread Kama Sutra
Patti Paige
Jonathan Ball
Review: Lauren O’Connor-May
Patti Paige combined her artist background with baking and opened a bakery in New York where she custom designs her own cookie cutters, including a line of yoga pose shapes.
In this, her second book, she gets a bit whimsical and uses gingerbread biscuit templates to explain positions from the Kama Sutra.
The book includes two gingerbread biscuit and icing recipes, one regular, one vegan and tips and tricks to get the best results. The book is full of advice, baking and other, and gives detailed explanations of how to get the dough to firm up appropriately, how to make icing bags from scratch, how long to let the cookies set and how to make the templates durable so that they won’t warp from repeated use.
The book is very witty and full of puns and uses baking euphemisms to describe the Kama Sutra bits, like “rolling pin” and “between the cookie sheets”.
Some of the bits had me laughing out loud, like: “all you knead is love”, “this head massage is the perfect way to preheat your oven”, “you won’t need any extra raising agent for this one”.
I think these cookie shapes could be used to make fun snacks for bridal showers among other things.
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