The traffic signals on Inanda Road and Old Main Road in Hillcrest were smashed down by a vehicle. The eThekwini Municipality said repairs will be undertaken shortly. Picture supplied
Durban — A Hillcrest ratepayer is calling on authorities to revert to basics and focus on by-law transgressions and repercussions for poor workmanship in Durban.
Errol Hick, a resident in the Outer West (Hillcrest) area of the eThekwini Municipality, expressed his observations of the failures of the municipality and alleged mismanagement of the City.
Hicks said proof of just how dangerous it is to drive on the roads of the Outer West is the more than 25 smashed crash barriers each way up and down Field’s Hill between Pinetown and the Maytime Centre – which have been in this state for over 12 months.
“The cat’s eyes both all up and down Fields Hill, which were installed over three years ago, are no longer functioning (they ceased effectiveness about 18 months after installation), making driving after dark very hazardous, especially in the wet and misty conditions of that area. Is there any remedial action that officials can take against what was a substandard quality at the time of delivery?” Hicks asked.
EThekwini Municipality spokesperson Gugu Sisilana said the road is managed and maintained by the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Transport.
Hicks said traffic signals were knocked over at the intersection of Inanda and Blessing Ninela (Fischer) roads nearly four weeks ago and have still not been repaired. This week, Hicks said, a traffic light on Inanda Road and Old Main Road in Hillcrest was knocked over.
Sisilana said the City is aware of this and repairs will be undertaken shortly. Hicks is also infuriated by the illegal placing of commercial advertisements and posters on traffic lights, which he claims distracts drivers and is against City by-laws.
“The municipal officials should be aware of this, but they do not know their own by-laws. A further issue is the municipality’s staff leaving their notices on street light poles, advising of water interruptions forever, long after the effective date that they announce.”
Sisilana said the City is aware of the illegal posters and these are always removed by staff.
“However, this has been an ongoing issue for years. The posters are put up by unknown individuals and this is usually done when there is no one around. We encourage residents and motorists who see this to report it as it happens,” Sisilana said.
“City manager, are you aware of any of the above failings by the staff under your control, or is your staff aware of these issues and know that they can get away with no fear of disciplinary action by you? Or are they so obstinate that they refuse to take instruction from management? Or are they just plain lazy?” Hicks asked.
The KZN Department of Transport had not responded to a request for comment by publication time.
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