gaining muscle, muscle after 40, exercising How to work out after 40. Image: Pexels
Gaining muscle after 40 may seem like an impossible task, but in reality, it is not if you know how to do it. The key is of course muscle building, but you have to adapt your exercise routine to your age. The first thing to keep in mind is that with age, we lose muscle , and, consequently, our health and physique deteriorate.
The best way to prevent this is to build as much muscle as possible before old age and to work on maintaining it. It is never too late to start weight training . Likewise, it is important to keep your joints healthy, which are vital for daily mobility. You should always train in a controlled and progressive manner to avoid injuries.
To gain muscle after 40, there is no magic formula that suits everyone. Training must be adapted to each person, to their abilities, weaknesses and needs. However, there are some rules to keep in mind. You should focus on the basic movements and practice these exercises at least once a week:
– Horizontal pushing exercises: push-ups, or bench press.
– Vertical pushing exercises: clean and jerk.
– Pulling exercises: rowing, pull-ups, chin-ups…
– Squats.
– Extensions: deadlift or lumbar extension.
In this way, you not only work the main muscle groups, but also the most important joints, such as the shoulders. You should also work your abdominal belt in order to improve your balance and stability.
Training programs should first and foremost be based on combination exercises that work the whole body. This includes squats, pull-ups, push-ups, rowing, and deadlifts. They allow you to work on the same movements that you do every day.
That doesn't mean you can't do isolated exercises to complete your routine. They will help you gain muscle without tiring your body too much and without the risk of injury , which will allow you to be more consistent in exercising. Not to mention that they are very useful for working on the mind-muscle connection.
This is one of the most frequently asked questions . The truth is that from the age of 40, it is not essential to do repetitions with your maximum weight. In fact, there is a risk of injury. Therefore, it is best to find a happy medium between the repetitions and the weight you use.
The ideal is not to exceed 6 or 8 repetitions, but of course it depends on the exercise. To know if you are making progress, just notice that you are lifting a heavier weight or that you feel able to perform a greater number of repetitions. In addition, you will notice an improvement in your posture and technique and you will feel less tired during training.
Still on the subject of repetitions and weight, the first mistake to avoid is lifting more weight than necessary. You can do it from time to time, but it is not useful to do it every day of training, as you risk damaging your joints.
Likewise, you should not neglect to do isolated exercises, especially for the parts of the body that are considered weaker. It is important to continue doing cardio to maintain your cardiovascular fitness and health. A common mistake is to completely ignore this type of training. Now that you have this information, are you going to continue taking care of your health?
[Via GQ France]
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