Video: Phando Jikelo/African News Agency. Picture: Sisonke Mlamla/Cape Argus
Cape Town – The police have initiated a 72-hour activation plan after five people were killed in an informal settlement in Khayelitsha on Monday morning.
The five were killed in the Endlovini informal settlement.
Police spokesperson Novela Potelwa said the police had launched the plan in search of yet-to-be identified gunmen.
Potelwa said crime experts were scouring the scene where the murders occurred.
Potelwa said reports indicated that unknown gunmen approached shacks at the Monwabisi Park informal settlement in Endlovini, Khayelitsha, in the early hours of Monday and fired shots.
She said a woman and four men were killed.
“Organised crime detectives are investigating the murders. The victims, who are yet to be identified, are estimated to be between the ages of 25 and 35,” she said.
One of the community leaders, Funeka Sigadi, said “there were many crime incidents in the area, and most of them happened in unoccupied shacks”.
Sigadi said they wanted the authorities to deal with those unoccupied shacks because they were used by criminals.
Provincial police commissioner General Thembisile Patekile was at the scene in Khayelitsha and he pleaded with the community to help the police find the criminals.
Anyone with information that could assist in the investigation is urged to contact the police at 08600 10111.
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