Sexual harassment is often acted out by the more powerful individual who has control over the other.
‘It is absolutely vital that arranged leave is properly contracted to ensure that all the staff are fully aware when their leave must be taken. Leave is after all ...
‘Many times this bad behaviour at staff gatherings have brought the employer into disrepute and on some occasions the employer has landed up paying damages for destruction ...
‘Unfortunately, the Department of Employment and Labour over the years has been an expert at not only raiding slush funds but in practising fruitless and wasteful ...
‘The congress of South African trade unions have coupled the suspension of the UIF Commissioner, Teboho Maruping with the fact that thousands of workers when applying ...
COLUMN: Michael Bagraim writes that many systems exempt small businesses from a myriad of laws if they employ fewer than five hundred people. We need to rethink ...
‘The Minister of Finance is faced with an unenviable challenge: balancing the unaffordability of these increases with the risk of a strike. ’
The Department of Employment and Labour, particularly the Compensation Fund and the Unemployment Insurance Fund, have monies invested through the Public Investment ...
COLUMN: Michael Bagraim writes that under the GNU, a new energy has emerged to enhance accountability, address irregular expenditure, and ensure compliance with ...
COLUMN: ‘For the first time in over a decade, we are seeing significant movement and development in proposed changes to South Africa’s labour laws. ’
‘We are living in a time in South Africa where dismissed workers, who had contributed to the UIF, are now on the brink of starvation. In my efforts to assist these ...
For over five years, the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) and the Compensation Fund have found themselves at the centre of relentless criticism, with little indication ...
COLUMN: ‘Many of our neighbours cross our borders illegally and hundreds of thousands have found gainful employment even though they do not have work permits. ’
COLUMN: “My understanding is that Nedlac, which is the debating chamber for labour policy, has made various proposals about amendments to our labour laws. Hopefully, ...
COLUMN: 'I am hopeful that as the committee matures into its position and knowledge is gained, the Government of National Unity will vigorously exercise the oversight ...
COLUMN: The Department of Employment and Labour has announced that all designated employers must submit their 2024 employment equity reports. They must complete ...
We have numerous pieces of labour legislation in South Africa today which support social engineering and the structuring of employment of individuals based on race. ...
‘A strike is defined as a general refusal to work. A strike can be either protected or unprotected. For a strike to be protected, a dispute must exist and the parties ...
Our Constitution outlines freedom of association and general protections for employees and employers. Our Labour Relations Act is one of the pieces of labour law ...
With the two-pot system as of September, working South Africans who have invested in pension funds will be able to access 10% of that money initially.
‘The whole country looks forward to hearing the voices of our new Minister of Employment and Labour, Minister Nomakhosazana Meth. My plea goes to Minister Meth to ...
‘New governments are notorious for taking a long time to get off the starting block, but in the world of labour and work, this appears not to be the case – the National ...
‘As more and more independent trade unions arise and the country faces ongoing retrenchments, the business of trade unions has been under threat. ’
COLUMN: ‘Over almost 10 years, in this column, I have written about how a government can intervene in ensuring that job creation is enhanced and encouraged. ’