Colin Jooste, Observatory
There has been an alarming escalation in the senseless murders of young people over the past few years, in particular since the abolishment of the death sentence.
The archaic approach of the Law of Moses of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth has already been relegated into the canyons of oblivion by Jesus as barbaric.
Having said that, the time has come and is in fact long overdue that this evil tide be stemmed.
How this is going to be done alone only the one, from whom life flows, knows. Communi-ties are shocked but within days carry on with their lives. This evil has become a norm of everyday life, and that is the sad part. The follow-ing poems speak about this evil phenomenon:
I know my killer’s face
I know my killer’s face
will recognise it in any place
but dead men tell no tales
Otherwise they would fill all the jails.
I know my killer’s face
He is of another race
I pleaded for my life
I have parents, children and a wife.
I know my killer’s face
A skillful, knife-wielding ace
“I’ll teach you rich swines a lesson”
This was his short and pithy confession.
By the flash of his knife my life was taken
By the news of my death my family was shaken
If apprehended, his sentence will be suspended
For to kill me, he never intended.
Thus prematurely my life came to an end
Not being streetwise, myself I could not defend
From my grave I vow he’ll be haunted
So easily in future, his knife will not be flaunted.
In the New South Africa life has become dirt-cheap
In violent crime our country is knee-deep
Constitutionally criminals may no longer hang
Thus the vulnerable prepare to go with a flash or a bang.
I know my victim’s face
I know my victim’s face
Will recognise it even in a haze
He had so much fear in his eyes
Acknowledging his imminent demise
His academic dreams he will never realise.
The moment in time I, his killer chose
My strength, overpowering, he could not oppose
By surprise he was overtaken
by shock he was shaken
Overwhelmed by criminal intent.
I know my victim’s face
To kill was not factored into this space
A coward he was certainly not
In jail I was not going to rot.
My knife was merely to induce fear
Now he’s lost to all who hold him dear
To stand his ground was a brave choice
In his untimely death I do not rejoice
His contribution to society we’ll never know.
* “Student killed’’ splashed on all the front pages – a promising fourth-year student’s life snuffed out.